Ar Yukiko東京NO.1訂製夢幻絲質婚紗
Ar Yukiko(アールユキコ)可說是日本東京最受歡迎的婚紗禮服品牌,在新人們最特別的日子,Ar Yukiko提供了全絲質的訂製服,增添浪漫因子。 在市場中滿是聚酯變形長絲的出租禮服時代,Ar Yukiko是日本第一家提供絲質禮服的品牌,這正是名設計師西村有紀子(Yukiko Nishimura)的獨創。
十年前當西村還是個上班族時,即將結婚的她不滿於出租聚酯布料禮服的質感,以及一天要價30萬日幣的高價,也因此開始了她的婚紗事業。西村有紀子以最好的亞洲絲為素材,開發精緻絲質婚紗禮服,這樣的創意立刻獲得全東京市女性的回響,如今甚至連日本歌手大黑摩季(Maki Oguro)也延請西村有紀子為她設計婚禮中的長禮服,Ar Yukiko魅力可見一斑。
從禮服到妝容與花藝,Ar Yukiko都是東京新人的首選,它大多數的禮服價格在26萬到42萬日幣之間,訂製服需要2個月的工時。編號W210的禮服是今年最受歡迎的款式,價格約為29萬日幣,這樣的價格只能在其它品牌的店中租一套普通禮服,但Ar Yukiko卻提供全絲的高質感禮服,完美打造百分百浪漫婚禮。
每日營業時間10:00 – 22:00(須預約)
電話 81-3-3401-7130

City: Tokyo
Topic: Designer – Ar Yukiko
Writer: Saera
Words: 221
Ar Yukiko is the number one most popular wedding dress brand in Tokyo. They offer “pret-a-couture” all silk wedding dress for your special celebration. Ar Yukiko is Japan’s first silk wedding dress brand. It is the brilliant brainchild of celebrity designer Yukiko Nishimura. Ten years ago, when she was an office worker and bride-to-be, she wondered why those uncomfortably textured polyester rental wedding dresses were costing around 300000yen for one day. From there, she started to create premium silk wedding dresses using the best quality silks from Asia. Her ideas spread to girls all over the city, and now, even Japanese singer, Maki Oguro, had Yukiko Nishimura produce her wedding gown!
From the wedding dresses to make up and bouquets, Ar Yukiko should be the first name that comes to mind. Most of the dresses range from 262500yen to 420000yen, and “Pret-a-couture” orders take 2 months to complete. The most popular style for this year is W210 (tok_sto_aryukiko_01.jpg) costing 288,750yen. That’s the same price as renting from some other dress rental shop, but for a quality guaranteed gorgeous all-silk wedding dress! Other popular styles are W293 (tok_sto_aryukiko_06.jpg) for 367,500yen and W310 (tok_sto_aryukiko_09.jpg) for 367,500yen.
Ladies, this is the most important day of your lives. Get something old, something blue, and something borrowed somewhere else! Get yourself the dress you’ve dreamed of.
1-3-22 Ar.YUKIKO Building Nishiazabu Minatoku Tokyo
10:00 – 22:00(must book for appointment)
TEL 03-3401-7130


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