The 12th ROC President-elect Ma Ying-jeou Visited Chang Rong-fa
中華民國第十二屆總統當選人馬英九先生,於二○○八年四月十八日上午拜會長榮集團 張總裁榮發先生並進行訪談;當馬總統當選人步上一樓大廳的紅地毯時,同仁們夾道熱烈鼓掌,歡喜迎接馬總統當選人的到來。馬總統當選人和張總裁榮發先生結束會談後,共同至七樓國際會議廳召開簡短的記者會。 總裁除了對馬總統當選人表達祝賀,也衷心希望未來新政府要積極開拓兩岸關係,以全民福祉為依歸,以國家利益為優先。
Ma Ying-jeou, the 12th-term ROC President-elect, visited Evergreen Group on April 18th and had a talk with Chang Rong-fa. When Ma stepped on the red carpet of the lobby, Evergreen’s employees clapped and welcomed cordially. After President-elect Ma’s talk with Director Chang, they had a brief press conference in the international conference room on 7th floor. Director Chang expressed his congratulations to Ma and suggested new government to actively develop relations across Taiwan Straits. Director Chang also hoped new government leader to act and think on people’s benefits and national interests.
Director Chang said, this presidential election showed Taiwan’s democracy reaching a new milestone. All citizens held high expectation toward the new government, such as promoting national competitiveness, developing economy, and keeping peaceful relations across Taiwan Straits. Therefore, both Taiwan and China should keep communicating to enhance mutual understanding and trust, creating win-win situation.
Director Chang also admired President-elect and Vice President-elect’s recent actions to improve cross-straits relations. Chang said, new government should hold kindness and morals, always care people’s welfare and take good care of everyone’s daily life.
Director Chang believed that only open cross-straits markets could flourish Taiwan’s economy and improve the investment environment for small and medium enterprises. As for new government’s plan about cross-straits charter flights and Chinese tourists in July, Director Chang also showed his agreement and emphasized these strategies could stimulate Taiwan’s consuming and revive all domestic industries. About cross-straits charter flights, besides passenger planes, Director Chang suggested to extend to cargo aircrafts, which could meet the air shipping demands from Taiwanese businessmen. Director Chang further urged to speed the pace upon cross-straits regular flights, and that is the right solution for cross-straits civil aviation industries to run smoothly.
Director Chang mentioned Taiwan is surrounded by seas so we need to make complete marine policies. These years, our government has long ignored the importance of ocean shipping. There are many restrictions and difficulties such as Chinese vessels not allowed to navigate within China harbor area, the insufficient Taiwanese sailors, the heavier tax compared with foreign countries…etc. All abovementioned problems diminish Chinese vessels and obstruct the development of Taiwan marine industry.
About current educational plights, Director Chang considered we should review the 10-year educational reform and make finer, more detailed educational policies with a package of measures to cultivate excellent new generation. Now the society commonly lacks moral spirit, so we should correct the mess through moral education started from primary school. With that, primary school students will cultivate morals early and then grow up to adults with morals and devote themselves to Taiwan society, that Taiwan will have a bright future.
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