長榮交響樂團於二○○八年四月十九日受邀至台中市洲際棒球場,參與世界知名義大利盲眼歌手安德烈‧波伽利(Andrea Bocelli)首度來台舉辦「托斯卡尼星空下」演唱會,擔任波伽利在台唯一一場演唱會的伴奏樂團。曾接待過世界三大男高音之卡列拉斯及帕華洛帝的長榮桂冠酒店(台中),再度受到主辦單位的青睞,負責波伽利來台的住房事宜。
培養絕佳默契 襯托悅耳天籟
Great Team Work, Great Music
  為了這場盛大的音樂饗宴,指揮馬切羅.洛塔(Marcello Rota)特別提前於四月七日抵台,與長榮交響樂團進行排練並培養默契;且共安排了四場綵排,足見他對這次台灣演出的重視。「布拉格捷克國家交響樂團」首席指揮馬切羅.洛塔不僅在歐洲享譽盛名,更受邀至世界各地的知名音樂廳指揮演出,與音樂家們的合作也讓他的事業更上一層樓。馬切羅表示,長榮交響樂團是他見過最多女團員的樂團,讓他指揮時備感新鮮;且對於長榮交響樂團優良的素質與極佳的團隊默契,留下深刻印象。
演唱會下半場則以歌謠為主,波伽利與女高音瑪麗亞‧波西(Maria Luigia Borsi)合唱「我的太陽」,彷彿將南歐溫暖的陽光帶來了台中,也溫暖了樂迷們的心。到演唱會閉幕,觀眾掌聲如雷熱情安可聲不斷,讓波伽利微笑從後台走出,陸續獻唱《愛慕(Amore)》、《祈禱(The prayer)》安可曲。在觀眾不間斷熱烈掌聲中,波伽利三度出場,與女高音瑪麗亞‧波西合唱他的成名曲《告別時刻(Time To Say Goodbye)》,藍色雷射光照射全場,演唱會即將劃下完美句點,但興奮的觀眾起立鼓掌長達3分鐘久久不斷,波伽利四度出場,加唱普契尼《杜藍朵公主》中的詠嘆調《公主徹夜未眠(Nessun dorma)》,更讓觀眾為之瘋狂。波伽利優美的嗓音,感染在場每一位聽眾,讓大家都沉浸在他優美的歌聲中。」
 酒店謹慎接待 提供貼心服務 
 豐富演奏經驗 譜寫歷史新頁 
Experienced Performing Skills Written New Chapter of Histroy
長榮交響樂團本次獲得主辦單位的青睞,擔任伴奏的重責大任,成功地襯托波伽利的天籟美聲。近年來長榮交響樂團分別與國際知名的音樂家合作,例如:二○○五年十二月與世界知名男高音帕華洛帝合作,擔任其世紀告別演唱會之伴奏樂團;二○○六年五月又與英倫美聲男高音羅素華生合作;二○○七年十二月底又受邀與知名男高音卡列拉斯合作跨年音樂會;二○○七年三月與知名美國女高音芮妮‧弗萊明(Renée Fleming)合作。藉由與這些國際級的獨唱家合作,提振了長榮交響樂團的士氣與國際形象,同時也提昇了樂團的演奏技巧與水準。此次,與安德烈.波伽利合作,讓樂團團員倍感興奮與光榮。波伽利的天籟嗓音魔法般地感動了全世界的聽眾,其獨一無二的歌聲,彷彿有穿透人心的力量,席琳.狄翁曾經讚美他:「如果上帝會唱歌,祂的聲音聽起來應該就像波伽利!」而長榮交響樂團此次能與安德烈.波伽利合作,參與音樂會的演出,為樂團再次留下光榮的紀錄!
Evergreen Symphony Orchestra Performed with Andrea Bocelli
Evergreen Symphony Orchestra was invited to accompany for Andrea Bocelli’s “Tuscan Skies”concert in Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium on April 19th. “Tuscan Skies” was the only concert this renowned Italian blind tenor held in Taiwan. Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung) accommodated Jose Carreras and Luciano Pavarotti , the members of The Three Tenors. This time Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung) again won the chance to serve Andrea Bocelli.
Marcello Rota, the music director of Prague Symphony Orchestra, served as the conductor for Tuscan Skies”concert. For preparing this musical banquet, director Marcello Rota arrived in Taiwan early on April 7th, to practice with Evergreen Symphony Orchestra and cultivate team chemistry. Marcello Rota arranged a totalof four rehearsals in advance, completely revealing his care for the concert. Marcello Rota said Evergreen Symphony Orchestra is the orchestra with most female members he ever known of. He was impressed by the professional skills and excellent team chemistry of Evergreen Symphony Orchestra.
On April 19th, there were some 16 thousands audiences in Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium, including celebrities like President-elect Ma Ying-jeou and his wife Christine Chow Ma, Publisher of United Daily News Wang Shaw-lan and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Cooperation Chairman Dr. Morris Chang. When Evergreen Symphony Orchestra played national anthem as opening, surprised audiences stood up respectfully. After led by director Marcello Rota to the stage, Andrea Bocelli sang “Brindisi” and “Di quella pira”. He then performed the song “E lucevan le stele”from Puccini’s opera “Tosca”, the back screen simultaneously playing the opera footage and Tuscany scenes, audiences all sinking in the Tuscany sentiment. When Andrea Bocelli sang the song“O soave fanciulla Duetto” with Maria Luigia Borsi, they were hand in hand, just like the lovebirds of the opera “La bohème”.
The concert then followed by ditties, Andrea Bocelli and soprano Maria Luigia Borsi sang “O sole Mio” chorally, seeming to bring warm sunshine of South Europe to Taichung and warming every listener’s heart. When the concert finished, audiences encored constantly, and Andrea Bocelli walked to the stage from the backstage, singing “Amore” and “The prayer” When he sang the third encore, his great hit “Time To Say Goodbye” with Maria Luigia Borsi, blue laser shined the stadium. After three-minute-long claps, Andrea Bocelli came to the stage for the fourth time and sang “Nessun dorma”to thank all audiences’ support. All audiences were crazy about Andrea Bocelli’s dreamy voice.
During the concert period, Andrea Bocelli lived in the presidential suite of Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung). Jose Carreras and Luciano Pavarotti , the members of The Three Tenors also lived in Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung)’s Presidential Suite when their stayed in Taichung. This time Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung) again won the chance to serve Andrea Bocelli.
To offer excellent services, Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung) has gathered all Andrea Bocelli related information for months. When knowing Andrea Bocelli doesn’t like the smell of farina, hotel workers put the smelless phalaenopsis orchid and use nano-anion air cleaner to purify indoor air of the presidential suite.
In order to promote Taiwan’s local art, Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung) thoughtfully put two sculptures in the room for him to touch and feel. In addition, Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung) also hang ed paintings of Taiwan famous attractions like Ali Mountain Forest Railway, letting every foreign visitor have the chance to enjoy Taiwan’s beauty.
Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung) not only prepared the handicap friendly environment for Andrea Bocelli, but also offered four professional housekeepers who have language, catering, room service expertise respectively. All these detailed preparation will make Andrea Bocelli’s short stay a wonderful trip.
Evergreen Symphony Orchestra got the honor to accompany for the meaningful concert, and succeeded to act as a foil. In recent years, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra has cooperated with many internationally well-known musicians like in December 2005 with Luciano Pavarotti, in May 2006 with Russell Watson, in December 2007 with Jose Carreras and in March 2007 with Renée Fleming. Through collaborating with these great soloists, all the concerts help elevate Evergreen Symphony Orchestra’s performing skills and international images. This time the collaboration with Andrea Bocelli made a new record for Evergreen Symphony Orchestra.
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